Saturday, April 23, 2011

'46 Knuckle - Back Up and Screamin'

Great to have the 46 FL back on the road!!!

Stole the 39 front brake for my 39 EL and replaced with the 46 style

Bologna Skin

A while ago I realized I had a '39 only front brake on my '46. I pulled it off and installed it on the '39 EL I'm building. The '46 sat in the shop on a block of wood with the front wheel off for waaay too long. I was jonesing to ride it, so Tuesday night I pieced together the proper backing plate and parts and installed it on the '46.

I finished it up on Wednesday and blasted out for a ride. It was 80 degrees!

I ran into a guy I've seen around on a '67 Shovel custom. He decided to take a ride with me up to another local Tavern for "wing night". I dumped the clutch and spun what's left of my rear tire out of the parking lot. The ride up is all twisty turny country roads with a few 55 MPH straight aways. When we reached our destination and pulled up in front of the bar the guy says "Fuck that things fast!" I can't fuckin' believe I couldn't keep up with you!"

He almost shit when he looked at my back tire.... square and slick...(he had a pair of brand new Dunlops on his).

I love freakin' people out with how well this thing runs, the usual comments like, "does that thing run?" and "that thing actually made it here?" or "how did you get that here?" are all answered when I slam down the kicker and "that thing" roars to life.
Believe me, I do have to hang on for dear life on occasion... but it's worth it!