Sunday, May 31, 2015

Five and a Half Weeks later...

Tyler checking out his pan....

Chelsea...nurse and driver...

With me and Leigh...out and about 
after 5 1/2 weeks in the Hospital

Wheelin' him down the hill...
He was a little nervous..

Tyler got outta the hospital 5 1/2 weeks after being "Left Turned" by some A -Hole. Chelsea brought him by on Saturday to check out his Pan and hang out for awhile. It was great to see him out and about! He has a long way to go but at least he's out for now. All he talks about (to me anyway) is getting the bike fixed and riding...main concern is how to kick start with his left leg 'til the right is working...

1 comment:

  1. good deal. wishing a speedy recovery both man and machine
