Sunday, March 13, 2016

Got a Bunch done...45 Trans, Clutch and Chains...Finished Tyler's Pan again....

Grease your balls...

Cleaned and finished the plates on the old cement block

Now where did I put my chain???
What's bubbling?

Ahhh...there you are!

Basket and chain in place...

Tighten up on the old clutch plates...

Oh yeah...I had to improvise on the spring plate tool...


Adjusted and buttoned up!

Rear chain installed and ripped it through the yard...

Got Tyler's Pan finished up, except he had the air cleaner cover at his house...been almost a year since he got left turned...he's healing up

Rode it over to his place and it ran like a champ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Wall of Death and Rhett Rotten- Back in Jersey....

Rode the Dirty Nine over to Gasket Goons HQ on Saturday to help assemble THE WALL of DEATH!!!

They'd begun the layout...

Rhett's old 101 Wall of Death Scout!

Complete with siren...

Combo Hummer / H-D dirtbike Wall Bike

Couldn't help sneakin' in a few pics of the Dirty Nine....

An engineering marvel...

...being assembled heathens...hey Mel hold that stick!

Oops there's another one...

Got the first panel up....


2nd panel up...

Going for the 3rd...

3rd panel and a pause for pics...

Frozen Few Ice Machine photo op...

Joe Oz on a H-D

Mel hamming it up...

Onward and upward!

Rhett checking things from the top...

Keep 'em coming...

Coming around

A quick shot with the Dirty Nine...and I had to take off

Well folks Rhett Rotten is back in town and with the help of Meldon Van Riper Stultz III they are getting Rhett's 1938 Wall of Death back in service! It's a great honor to be a part of this process...although so far all I did was carry heavy stuff and drink beer...More to come...

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mama Tried Show 2016 - Part 2 - Flat Out Friday and Saturday at the Show

Photo by David Carlo Flat Out Friday!

Friday morning at the arena...

Working on the Cut Downs...

Checking out the track...

Lonely in the pits this early...

Cut Downs in the pits...

Got some shit for parking the Frozen Few snow mobile on the side walk...

Michael Lang's 50 WR

Pits started to pick up...

50 WR Motor

Well... we were told to move the 1926 T Snow

Five of us piled in and drove through downtown Milwaukee...

Metal tracks and all...See what I mean...

...and parked out front of the Mama Tried Show

Back at the Panther Arena things were heating up...

We kicked off the night after the opening ceremonies...

Here's an 8 minute video I found on Youtube.. at 39 seconds in is the start of our race with Josh performing a sweet face plant...

"Prince"! See below...

Video of the Inappropriate Class!!!! Funny Shit!
"Prince" takes it all!!!!

After the Races we brought the bikes over to Mama Tried

Benji built his bike in the van on the way over from NJ

Mr. Hot Bike Japan...

Cut Downs in the Show...

Ken Nagahara doing what he does...

Jason Sheets' Knuckle

My Knuckle hiding in the darkness...

Roadside Marty's Sweet Bobbed '50 Pan

Matt's Vard Knuckle

A better view of Marty's Pan...

Nick's bikes

Cyclemo's Knuckle

Ketterhagen's VL...

Mike Lang's Crocker

Twin Cam

Mike Lang with his Crocker

Matt McManus' sidecar rig

The mysterious Vanderbilt...

Chopper Dave's Knuckle


Me and the kids...

Mr. and Mrs. Ketterhagen from H-D and his VL

Fat Bob

Adam Kings 45

Warren even let my 41 Knuckle park here for the day...
Thanks Warren!

Roadside Marty and me...

Flat Out Friday and Mama Tried what a TIME! Got out to the Panther Arena about 8 AM on Friday and got a little early morning practice in...I must say I had no clue as to what a concrete track covered in Dr. Pepper syrup was gonna feel like...It was not what I expected and was sticky as hell. I got out there and did a bunch of laps...felt pretty good. 
The pits were pretty empty until about noon when bikes and riders started to show up...It filled up quick and there were a shit load of classes....everything from us on the old bikes to the Hooligans to kids on little bikes to Brakeless to the ever popular "Inappropriate Class" which for a lot of us turned out to be the high light! Funny as hell...There were thrills and a whole lotta spills...I think at least one bike went down in just about every race (all classes)! The crowd was big and they loved it!
We were at the arena 'til about 10 PM and then we loaded the bikes and brought 'em over to the Mama Tried building (directly across the water from the H-D Museum...a cool old warehouse / factory type place. We pulled the bikes into the giant old as shit elevator and brought 'em up to the 5th floor where the show was. Got a chance to look around while the place was empty. 
Saturday was the show and we spent all day there into the was packed and they had to count people coming and going because the building was at capacity. The show was fantastic with many different types of bikes. It was also great to finally meet some folks I had only known through cyber space like Roadside Marty and Kevin "Teach" Bass and to see old friends as well. We hit some after party's and got a little stupid...good times.
Sunday was a whole other story...The Ice Racing that almost wasn't!!! Coming up next....