Thursday, November 30, 2017

1945 WL "45" - Bob 'em if you got 'em!!!

Got started on this little cutie a few weeks back. I've had her since 1987 and never did much with her... until now!

Popped off the top end and everything was new! 30 over pistons, new valves etc. Lower end felt great!

Dash from the stash... 

Figured out what those two holes in the rear fender were for... 
Gimme Back My Bullets!!!!

A little help in the garage doesn't hurt...

Popped a 16 on the rear with a Firestone ANS...

Some cool crusted saddle bag mount covers...

Running a period sealed beam, to go with the bobbed theme...
Gonna be Poetry in motion baby!!!
I've since put an 18 Firestone ANS on the front as well... 
more pictures on the way!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

P-K Lamp - Carmel California - Crocker Style Tailight - PK Tail Lite

My P-K Lamp



Thanks to Craig Taylor for this ad... Circa 1952

I found this ad in my 1951 Beck Accessory catalog 

This ad was sent to me by @shitstain and @luckeeee on IG
Circa 1952

Some results from my IG request for P-K tail lamp info...

And this was sent to me from @shitstain... It came from the Jockey Journal