Took a ride to Jersey yesterday to attend Panstock 2010 (which by the way is still going on as I type this). I had to head back last night. I put about 200 plus miles on the Black Jersey Pan and it ran great. We met early and took a 50 mile tour through Jersey with a couple of pit stops along the way. The weather was perfect. I'm not sure exactly how many bikes went on the ride but I stopped counting at 60 at our first stop. Plenty more showed up at the party later.
Richie throws a great bash, there were plenty of old bikes, food, drink, burnout pit, live band, etc. and I ran into some people I haven't seen in 20 years. I also met a bunch of people who are into old bikes and good times.
When we arrived at the party, Richie's dad pulled right into the burnout pit and smoked up his dresser! (He said he needed a new tire anyway). Others followed and there was plenty of noxious black smoke to go around.
I always say I hate going back to Jersey but to be honest... it felt good to be back in my old Jersey element again. (except for having to wear that fucking helmet!)
Thanks Richie!
Oh by the way...I tried to put the pictures in chronological order but I always fuck that up.
Jeff thanks for coming and for riding that pan!!! PANHEADS FOREVER!