Monday, December 7, 2009

Rubber Mounter HD Risers

From the 1950 Harley-Davidson Accessory catalog.
Odd - There is no picture or mention of the top link stabilizer.
$35.00...I'll take 10 sets of each please!
Where's my time machine? Come to think of it that was alot of money in 1950.


  1. im still waiting for you to help me out with a top riser stabilizer. i really could use one. i beleive you had a pic of an old one...ill take one please :)

  2. a guy told me too that the angled ones (shown here) were for the offset springer and the other type were for inline springers. also, ive seen these with one inch stems but some one could have bored them out to maybe fit a flanders style top clamp. who knows, they are cool.
