Saturday, May 3, 2014

45 to 74 Conversion Update Part 3 - Next Problem Please...

Looking good?...Not so fast...

Fully seated...Fucker! about 3/16 too high...

By the way...another part that's different is the piece that 
threads into the stem for the damper... 45 on the right 74 on the left

That 3/16 difference in height looks like it won't affect the damper...

Well I was almost ready to post that I finally got this fucked kit to work...then I thought, let me slide a pair of bars on just to be sure and "fuck all" they don't fit right...OK let me try another just in case...Same thing!
Now if you see from my last post that because of the fucked up dust cover I had to take it off and it left a ring on the inside...I checked that and it doesn't affect the height. 
So apparently the nut is made wrong...granted it will work like this and once I install the top plate, top nut and steering damper, nobody will be the wiser...except me...wait...time to check the steering damper length...shit, I can't wait...
OK so it looks like that 3/16 difference in height won't affect the steering damper and if I use the cover plate (not shown) it may hide Ted's sins...'s off to the machine shop...


  1. A separate blog needs to be started for people to sound off (good news or bad ) about ANY V-twin product that they bought. That would save us all a lot of aggravation and money. I have come across some quality stuff from Teds but the bad far out weighs the good. I'd rather spend my time fixing up an old H.D. part then a new Taiwan Teds. At least you know the part was made to fit right at one time. To be fair to Ted ,I've had the same problems with "Old Dude" and 45 restoration Co. also. I guess that makes me an equal opportunity sap for expecting anything to begin with. Fool me once-shame on you , Fool me twice...uh, I mean 20x ...shame on me.

    I feel your pain.


  2. I never used my kit and a buddy wanted to know why not. I'll send him to your blog for the answer.

  3. I spoke to my buddy Dan Henke who is working with Ted to improve the Vintage products. He was going to make Ted aware of the issues. It looks like 90% of my issues with this kit are quality control. Never mind being made wrong, start with putting the correct (made wrong) stuff in the kit...

  4. Tim, I have had issues with all the after market dealers. Wrong threads, unfinished (inside) Y pipes, oil and fuel lines that may as well be straight due to the amount of bends I have to do to make them fit, etc. I just got done grinding out a rear brake mounting bracket for a guy so that it didn't rub the frame...
