Parts blasted ready to go...
Meat thermometer and microwaveable measuring cup...
Parts a cookin'...
Coming along nicely...
Rinsed and dipped in old Knucklehead drain oil...
Ready for install...Just like Mama used to make!
I was sitting at the kitchen table sorting out my saddlebag hardware and realized I needed to clean this stuff up so I can install it on the White '47. I had read one time that a guy Parkerized a small part in the microwave...I did a little research on line and found that (among gun collectors) it is not uncommon to do this.
All you need is a microwave, a meat thermometer, a microwavable measuring cup, some clean wire and some old motor oil or WD-40 or something like that. Of course you will also need the Parkerize solution and a glass bead cabinet for part prep.
1. Prep the parts (bead blast) and then wire them up for dipping. DO NOT PUT THE PARTS IN YET.
2. Pour enough solution into the measuring cup so that the parts will be completely submerged when you drop them in. Heat it up for about a minute or so in the microwave. DO NOT PUT THE PARTS IN YET.
There are acidic fumes involved so don't smell it to see if it's might wanna make sure the kitchen is well ventilated...(I didn't)
3. Remove the measuring cup from the microwave and stick the thermometer in to make sure it's about 180-190 degrees.
4. Submerge the parts with the end of the wire hanging over the cup for easy removal.
5. Leave them in the solution until they stop bubbling and the desired color is achieved...5 to 10 minutes.
6. Take them out and dip them into a plastic cup of water and then into the motor oil.
7. Let them soak in the oil for a few minutes and them wipe them down with a paper towel. I also sprayed them with penetrating oil real good to make sure all the solution was gone from the nooks and crannies.
They look just as good as when I do it with the hot plate and stainless tub but with a lot less BS. Of course this is only good for small stuff and only if you are the "Master Of All You Survey"... other guys can ask your wives if it's OK to cook metal parts in caustic chemicals in the microwave in the kitchen and see where that gets you...