Pulled out as soon as the down pour stopped on Thursday morning

The Dragon Fly I picked up last year on the ride to Brookfield was ready to head home after hanging in all year through many miles of rain, snow, sleet, etc.

The Tap Room Marshall's Creek PA

Outside the Tap Room Marshall's Creek

Quick stop at Peck's Pond PA

Above the urinal at Pat's Bar Hawley PA (Haulin' Ass...a classic!)

Brookfield NY Matt and Billy arrive in style

Brookfield had it all... from Scooters to Air 'O' Planes and everything in between

Bolt-On and Billy display their matching 1967 Capt. America helmets

Bolt-On, Rick and Mike pose in front of Barry Brown's Ford (driven down from Canada)

06:00 Tent's Eye View...

The apparition at the end of the tunnel is none other then Biker(Panhead) Billy's Pan on the road since '76!

A "well used" Sportster

Mixed Grill


Indian Hillclimber (more to come on this one)

He made it!

All kinds of weather (mostly great)

The afternoon hale storm was intense

Marble size hale came down for an hour

The line up in the barn

Todd's Indian actually got the handlebar bent this year at Brookfield. He did a hole shot and it jumped 10 ft in the air and bucked him off! He's still hurting!

Petey and Blue Sport at the Crosstown Tavern on the ride home yesterday. The Boy's had the old Sportsters out this time.

Ran into another Sportster guy at The Pines Tavern in Lake Swollenballsack PA
Brookfield 2011 turned out to be a great time as in the past.
It was pouring Thursday morning as I prepared to head out. Thunder, lightening, the hole nine yards. Then just about 09:00 it stopped and the sun broke through. I jumped on the '50 Pan and hit the road north.
I was to meet Sam at the Tap Room up above the Delaware Water Gap in Marshall's Creek PA. It was about 1 1/2 hours north of me. I arrived and waited on Sam. He showed up almost an hour later, joined me in an adult beverage and we got going.
The ride and weather were fantastic! We stopped at the usual watering holes along the way. One of our favorites, The Rockdale Inn in Rockdale NY was closed, so we hit the next one up the road. It was a biker bar owned by a guy named Ty. Hell, they even sold oil and spark plugs! We bullshitted with Ty for a while and it turned out we had mutual friends...small world. Ty ended up riding up to Brookfield the next day on his Shovelhead.
The meet itself is getting bigger every year. Soon I hope it will be back to it's former greatness. There were plenty of cool bikes and parts to check out. The line up in the barn was impressive and folks turned out from as far away as New Hampshire, Florida, Canada and even California!
Some of the regulars didn't make it for various reasons but we had a good showing from Jersey.
We all hit Flick's Tavern as usual and spent the evenings getting "reacquainted" with the locals. Nobody got hurt this year and we all had a great time (and that's all I have to say about that). I avoided the invitation to the local arm wrestling competition that was going on at one of the tables. That has been known to end badly...
Saturday came and after the heavy fog burned off, the weather turned to perfection. Sam and Bucky decided to head west. I hooked up with Petey and Blue Sport and headed back toward PA. The ride back was beautiful...the roads, weather, company and "rest" stops made the trip! And by the way, I put about 500 miles on the '50 and didn't have to open my tool bag...that's two years in a row to Brookfield! (the year before that was another story).
I have a few more pics to post coming soon...