Monday, November 5, 2012

Motorcycle Mike and Sandy - Part 3 - The Horror...The Horror...

The night of...46 UL

The night of...AAAAHHHHH!!!

The night of...a few bikes were on lifts....

The night of...The Hydra Glide

The night of...

The next day...the water starts to recede...

The next day...don't panic that actually is Mike's Car Boat!

The next day...not a Car Boat...the poor 'vette....

The next day...Hydra

The next day...

The next day...view from the back yard...

The next day...

The next day...Mike's back yard...

The next day...view from the deck...

After the water receded ...Joe Oz first on the scene to help with restoration!!!

Drying out the cars...

The horror...the horror...I don't know what else to say.
I could not imagine gazing helplessly as mother nature devoured my machines... The entire event was surreal... from when I called Mike on Monday evening to check in on him and all seemed well, to the days of no contact and then the reports coming in from Joe Oz on the scene...and finally to my arrival on Sunday to witness the carnage first hand... The most amazing thing about this event was Mike's demeanor, he was "matter of fact" and in good spirits...(although he was also admittedly in a "daze"). We worked on bikes, laughed, drank Yuenglings, ate pizza... I would have considered this a great time if it wasn't for the near destruction of a motorcycle and car collection...

Well above are the first in the Mike vs Sandy series. The above pics are from Mike's own camera. He took some horrifying shots of the garage as it filled up and then the next day as it receded. The bikes were completely submerged except for a few that were on lifts.

Digest these pictures and tomorrow night I will post the pictures I took as we worked to resuscitate the bikes on Sunday...I can only handle so much at a time...
Here's a taste of what's to come...ugh...


  1. Absolutely heartbreaking - I know from experience ... my two bikes drowning seem so insignificant! Horrible!

  2. Gareth there was nothing insignificant about your situation! I thought of you as I viewed this horror...Good to hear from you...

  3. For the life of me I can't see why these machines were'nt moved beforehand. There was plenty of warning. Shitty to see. Glad to see you guys got together quick and drained and washed off the saltwater pronto. It's a race against time w/that shit. Good luck and hoping to here all the cylinders firing soon.


  4. So sad, I'm sure there are more submerged beautys out there. I hope he has not lost too much. He is rich in goods friends it appears.

  5. Can't imagine how you would feel to see that water rising and your collection sitting there... glad everyone's OK. It's been on the news every night here... terrible.

  6. This is horror becoming real!
    Thank god there is only fresh water in my area.
